Advance protection from getting drowned in water

Scheme details:

  1. It prevents the person from drowning up to a maximum time of two and a half hours in case of any accidents happening any time during the subscription period.
  2. The applicant can select any no. of years for which they wish to avail advance prevention from drowning, upto a maximum of 8 years and subject to upto 100 years of the age of the applicant
  3. The scheme will ensure that the person is under the protection cover throughout the subscription period.
  4. The scheme is available on daily and yearly basis.
  5. In case of daily option, you can specify the days on which you wish to have protection against drowning. Date and time should be in terms of IST Trivandrum.
  6. The scheme can be subscribed either individually or collectively.
  7. Application can be submitted by anybody and from any part of the world.
  8. Cost for advance protection to prevent from drowning is either @ INR 10000/- for 24 hours per individual (or) INR 10,50,000/- per year per individual.
  9. Application processing fee is INR 100/-
  10. This cost is inclusive of all charges irrespective of age, gender and nationality of the individuals.
  11. In case of group application:
    • No. of years for which you wish to avail the protection will be the same for all the applicants in that group. Any no. of people can be accommodated in group application.
    • Only one contact email id is permitted.
    • The entire group’s details as per the required specifications to be clubbed and submitted in a single application form.
    • Collective acknowledgement after the treatment for all the applicants in the group will be sent only to one email id specified.
  12. Treatment will be executed anytime within 50 hours of submission of the respective application form and complete payment remittance, subject to successful verification of the application. You will be informed by return email about the treatment completion.
  13. This scheme is not applicable to cases of instant death.
  14. People already drowned in the accident before the treatment commencing are not covered.
  15. People died in the accident before falling into the water are not covered.
  16. People who are entering into water intentionally to end their life are not covered.
  17. The scheme covers treatment for prevention from drowning alone.
  18. Rescue team arranged by the ship owners should reach the accident site within two and a half hours to save the people.

Click here for the application form for availing advance protection for individuals from getting drowned in water