Yogic treatment for curing diseases

Page Index

  1. What is Gurukripa Yogic Wellness Treatment
  2. List of diseases covered under Yogic treatment and cost
  3. How to apply for Gurukripa Yogic Wellness Treatment
  4. Cases on which the treatment cannot be done
  5. QR scan code for payment remittance
  6. Yogic wellness treatment execution
  7. Special scheme to become disease-free
  8. Application form for availing Yogic treatment for curing diseases
  9. Minimum timeframe required to ascertain the effectiveness of the yogic treatment
  10. Important guidelines
  11. Guidelines to patients who are already under medication
  12. Medical analysis lab reports
  13. Chikitsa marga dheep (Treatment consultation service)

List of diseases covered under Yogic treatment for curing diseases and cost:

For details regarding the list of diseases covered in Yogic treatment, treatment cost and cost for protection from diseases click here.

*Substantial amount for availing Gurukripa Yogic Wellness Treatment will be spent on afforestation and Nature cleaning activities.

Special scheme to become disease-free:

  • To cure all existing diseases in the body and avail protection from ALL diseases (including existing and future diseases).
  • Minimum protection period is 1 year.
  • Protection can be extended to a maximum period of 8 years subject to upto 100 years of the age of the applicant.
  • Cost of the treatment is INR 25,06,000/- per year per individual.
  • Injuries not covered
  • To apply, use the below application form (i.e., Yogic treatment for curing diseases). Select the last option “To cure all existing diseases in the body and avail protection from ALL diseases (injuries not covered)” from “Disease” dropdown list.
  • Other terms and conditions remain the same as that of “Protection from diseases” scheme.

Click here for the procedure to apply for Yogic treatment

Cases on which the treatment cannot be done

Application form for availing Yogic treatment for curing diseases

This application form is meant for patients who are presently suffering from disease.

Note: Individual application form to be submitted for each disease. Refer listed diseases given in the chart

Click here for the application form for availing Yogic treatment for curing diseases

Yogic wellness treatment execution:

  • The yogic treatment will be executed anytime within 50 hours of your successful submission of the application.
  • It may be noted that in Yogic treatment system, physical attendance/appearance of the patient is not required at the treatment centre.
  • Patients who have applied for Yogic wellness treatment need not undertake any preparations to avail full benefits of the Yogic treatment. They can go ahead and engage in their routine duties after submitting the application. It may be noted that Yogic treatment execution can take place with/without the knowledge of the patient. It can be done even while the patient is sleeping or engaged in any activity. This is the reason why we claim Yogic wellness treatment is the most convenient and the most trouble-free treatment system available today in the world. This scientific technology is the most sophisticated, the most error-free, the most accurate cutting-edge technology not available anywhere else in the world.
  • The only disadvantage of Yogic wellness treatment is that it can accommodate only limited applications per day (not exceeding 100).
  • Submitted applications will be considered for treatment on first come first serve basis. You will be notified on treatment completion via email.
  • It will be our effort to complete the treatment within 50 hours of application submission. However, there may be chances of delay due to unforeseen reasons. Hence it may be noted that until you receive the email confirmation about treatment completion, it should be presumed that the treatment has not yet taken place.
  • In case any applicant is not getting sufficient relief after the Yogic treatment, the matter should be brought to the attention of the company by sending an email (using the email id from which the application was submitted). If the company feels it is genuine, the treatment will be done again without any extra cost. Maximum time to lodge such complaints with the company is 100 days from the treatment completion date.
  • Refer Minimum timeframe required to ascertain the effectiveness of the yogic treatment.
  • Refer Important guidelines to be followed post Yogic treatment.

Minimum timeframe required to ascertain the effectiveness of yogic treatment:

  1. Kidney diseases:- 4 days after the yogic treatment. In case of dialysis, it should not be stopped abruptly. Frequency of dialysis can be reduced gradually and finally be stopped.
  2. Diabetes :- 12 hours after the yogic treatment
  3. Contagious diseases:- 6 days after the yogic treatment
  4. Fatal diseases:- Weekly analysis lab tests to monitor the progress after the yogic treatment.
  5. Obesity :-
    • Expected result: About 1 kg reduction in weight per week after the yogic treatment.
    • Maximum weight that can be reduced with the yogic treatment: 40% of the present weight
  6. Under weight :-
    • Expected result: About 1 kg gain in weight per week after the yogic treatment.
    • Maximum weight that can be gained with the yogic treatment: 40% of the present weight
  7. For all curing treatments:- Relief will be experienced immediately after the yogic treatment. Time required for complete curing of the disease and the minimum timeframe required to ascertain the effectiveness of Yogic treatment is classified into 3 types as per the disease category mentioned in the chart.
    • Evaluation Type 1: Relief will be strongly experienced by the patient in 3 days time though the curing activity has begun from the very moment of Yogic wellness treatment. The disease in the body will get uprooted gradually. Normalcy regains in 29 days.
    • Evaluation Type 2: Immediate and instant relief will be experienced by the patient. Normalcy regains within 3 days after the Yogic wellness treatment.
    • Evaluation Type 3: Patients of this category will start getting the benefits of the Yogic wellness treatment from the very beginning onwards. Patient can become disease-free from the affected disease within 90 days. No requirement of any supporting medicines though it does not contradict with Gurukripa Yogic Wellness Treatment system.  
    • Progress of Yogic treatment can be monitored through weekly analysis lab test reports after the Yogic treatment for patients taken treatment for fatal diseases.
    • Avoid taking hotel food, spicy food, way-side food, offered food (prasadam) atleast for a period of 90 days.

Important guidelines:

1) People who have undertaken and those who are planning to undertake Gurukripa Yogic Wellness Treatment to get rid of their sufferings from diseases should understand that they must follow reasonably and generally accepted healthy practices. They should restrict themselves from unhealthy food habits and other unhealthy practices of harming the body, both internally and externally. To quote a few:

  • Over-exercise and under-exercise, over-eating and under-eating, consumption of junk food are some of the unhealthy practices.
  • Consumption of sweet food items, cold food items, baked food, oily food, fried food must be regulated.
  • Maintain lifestyle suitable to your age, body condition, climatic condition etc.
  • Taking timely food, fiber-rich food, reasonably nutritious food is highly appreciated.
  • Keep your body well-hydrated.
  • Eat sufficient quantity of food to ensure that one-third of your stomach is kept empty for better digestion.
  • Do not resort to artificial food supplements as much as possible.
  • Avoid taking hotel food, spicy food, way-side food, offered food (prasadam) atleast for a period of 90 days.

Life is too precious to be spent worrying about diseases, medicines and their dangerous partial effects. Follow a healthy lifestyle, and with Gurukripa Yogic Wellness Treatment, lead a disease-free life. Health is truly wealth!

2) Guidelines to patients who are already under medication:

Do not abruptly stop your existing medicines immediately after the yogic treatment. (Refer Minimum timeframe required to ascertain the effectiveness of the yogic treatment). However, all medicines being administered for that particular disease can be gradually tapered down to a level of zero over a period of time (not exceeding 60 days). You can take such decisions on your own or in consultation with the physician who has prescribed the medicines, after undertaking medical analysis lab tests from time to time and getting satisfactory results for that selected disease.

Yogic wellness treatment system is not against any other medical practices available in the society. Patient therefore is free to take any treatment system of their choice before or after or during yogic treatment. We have no objection you undergoing any other type of treatment. Based on the medical analysis lab test reports, you may take such decisions at your end.

3) Patients undertaking yogic treatment need not produce to us any medical analysis lab reports, pre or post yogic treatment. Forwarding such reports to us therefore is not entertained. We 100% rely on your self-declaration specified in the application form. These medical lab reports are meant for your self-analysis only.

Chikitsa marga dheep (Treatment consultation service)