Disaster Management

Emergency treatments will be given to people getting internal/external injuries by vehicle accidents, building collapses, train accidents, aircraft accidents, collapse of dams/bridges, natural calamities like hurricane, earthquakes, landslides, floods, volcanic eruption, avalanches etc. Such unexpected sudden disasters are unfortunately frequent these days. Numerous innocent people are becoming victims of such calamities and getting minor/major injuries. Many loose their precious lives if delay occurs in rescue operations. It is likely that even rescue workers also get trapped into the tragedy during their earnest efforts to save the affected people.

Gurukripa Yogic Wellness Treatment comes in rescue in such helpless emergency eventualities. People with external/internal physical injuries will be cured with the Yogic wellness treatment.

Scheme details of Disaster management emergency treatment:

  1. Treatment will be done with lightning speed irrespective of the location of the injured person.
  2. The scheme will cover curing of injuries caused by all types of unexpected, sudden major accidents or natural calamities involving a minimum of 30 people or above. Hence accidents involving less than 30 people will not be covered under this scheme
  3. We will go by the approximate number of affected people given by the authorities. This has to be ratified at a later stage but not later than 72 hours of the incident.
  4. INR 9,79,000 per individual is the treatment cost under this scheme.
  5. This cost is inclusive of all charges irrespective of age, gender and nationality of the individuals.
  6. We will inform the authorities, the value to be deposited as advance towards the treatment.
  7. The government/sponsoring authority should depute a person to co-ordinate with us. The person should be atleast of the rank of district collector or equivalent.
  8. Wounds of the injured persons will be instantly healed with the yogic power.
  9. Minor injuries will be cured instantly.
  10. Bleeding will be arrested instantly.
  11. Major injuries involving damage of vital organs will get cured gradually, within 29 days subject to complete bed rest of the injured person. Hospitalization may not be required during this period. The wound will get healed completely within 29 days. This can be re-confirmed by scanning if you wish. Body movements must be restricted to the maximum possible extent during the bed rest time. It is therefore advisable that the person is admitted in a nursing home to ensure complete bed rest. The patient can be given nutritionally rich food as prescribed by a qualified dietician. Exercise or workout during the bed rest time must be completely avoided including physiotherapy. Complete recovery will be done on the completion of 29 days and he/she can discharge their duties thereafter.
  12. Hospitalization and other medication not required.
  13. People instantly dying on the spot in the accident will not be covered in the treatment.
  14. Treatment cannot be done on body parts detached from the main body. However, curing may be possible if the cut off organ is stitched and properly attached to the body system in time.
  15. Treatment cannot be done on transplanted organs.
  16. This scheme is not applicable to cases of death due to injuries before the treatment commences.

Procedure to be followed for availing emergency treatment of Disaster management scheme:

  1. Send an email to [email protected] with the following details
    • Brief description about the accident
    • Approximate number of people affected by the accident
    • Location of the accident (location, nation)
    • Approximate time of the accident in IST
    • Contact person’s phone number (with STD and ISD codes)
    • Contact email id
    • Name of the sponsor (Central govt/ state govt/ local governing authorities/ institutions/ organizations etc)
  2. Get confirmation from M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises via email on the amount to be deposited as advance towards the treatment.
  3. Deposit the advance treatment cost as per the above confirmation email in the bank account of M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises as given in our official website (www.gurukripayogictreatment.com) only.
  4. Fill the below application form using the payment remitted details and submit.
  5. Treatment will be done with lightning speed irrespective of the location of the injured individuals. People instantly dying on the spot in the accident will not be covered in the treatment. People dying before the commencement of the treatment are not covered.
  6. You will be notified about the treatment completion via email.
  7. Report the exact number of affected people on or before 72 hours via email.
  8. Final settlement of the treatment cost to be done within 10 days of the accident.

Click here for the application form for availing emergency treatment of Disaster Management scheme