Soldiers battling for life

Well equipped and trained soldiers are deputed to guard the nation from the attack of enemies, especially at the border line. They are mostly trained and armed forces. They do not hesitate to pull triggers of guns even with a slightest doubt of enemy movements. Minor/major casualties are a matter of routine incidents, especially between two warring nations.

Temporary tents of soldiers are not equipped to give medical care to injured soldiers as they frequently shift their locations. They are mostly engaged in fighting at the remote areas. Inaccessibility by road, hostile terrain and geographical conditions, hostile climatic conditions worsen the situation to reach and save the injured soldiers in time. Delay in such cases are detrimental to the life of these bravehearts. Many of them unfortunately succumb to injury helplessly.

Gurukripa Yogic Wellness Treatment therefore decided to come to their rescue and effectively resolve this crisis. Precious lives of a large number of injured soldiers can be saved with this treatment system. Below are the schemes:

1) Emergency treatment for soldiers

2) Advance protection scheme for soldiers


Gurukripa Yogic Wellness Treatment for curing injuries will not be extended to anyone belonging to extreme, terrorists or radical organizations. Application request submitted for such treatments must be authenticated by the battalion in-charge in the case of armed forces, district collector in the case of general public, sports authority in the case of sportspersons. Application submitted for treatment will be rejected in spite of complying all formalities if we suspect the genuinity of the declaration in the application form. No refund will be made if there is intentional hidden motive, hiding the genuinity of the injured individual. We do not encourage anyone to sabotage the law and order of the society and the law of the land at any cost.

1) Emergency treatment for soldiers:

Scheme details:

  1. Wounds of the soldiers will be instantly healed with the yogic power.
  2. Minor injuries will be cured instantly ensuring that he/she is back to the field.
  3. Bleeding will be arrested instantly.
  4. Major injuries involving damage of vital organs will get cured gradually, within 29 days subject to complete bed rest of the injured person. Hospitalization may not be required during this period. The wound will get healed completely within 29 days. This can be re-confirmed by scanning if you wish. Body movements must be restricted to the maximum possible extent during the bed rest time. It is therefore advisable that the person is admitted in a nursing home to ensure complete bed rest. The patient can be given nutritionally rich food as prescribed by a qualified dietician. Exercise or workout during the bed rest time must be completely avoided including physiotherapy. Complete recovery will be done on the completion of 29 days. The soldier can be pull up his/her socks and get ready to perform his/her duties after the completion of 29 days of bed rest.
  5. Hospitalization and other medication not required.
  6. The scheme covers protection from all kinds of injuries alone.
  7. Treatment cannot be done on body parts detached from the main body. However, curing may be possible if the cut off organ is stitched and properly attached to the body system in time.
  8. Treatment cannot be done on transplanted organs.
  9. This scheme is not applicable to cases of instant death and death due to injuries before the treatment commences.
  10. Treatments will not be given to people belonging to any terrorist organization.
  11. Treatment is restricted to soldiers/citizens belonging to nations recognized by United Nations.
  12. Application should be compulsorily routed through the battalion in-charge. This is to ensure that there is no misuse of Gurukripa Yogic Wellness Treatment and the treatment is given to the right personnel.
  13. Treatment will be executed only after submission of the respective application form and complete payment remittance, subject to successful verification of the application. You will be informed by return email about the treatment completion.
  14. Cost of the emergency treatment for soldier is INR 8,70,000 per individual.
  15. Application processing fee is INR 100/-
  16. This cost is inclusive of all charges irrespective of age, gender and nationality of the individuals.
  17. Anyone associated with defense department including policemen of the nations recognized by UN are also eligible to apply for this scheme, subject to upto 100 years of the age of the applicant.

Click here for the application form for availing Emergency treatment against injuries for soldiers

2) Advance protection scheme for soldiers:

The very purpose of this Advance protection scheme is to avoid unnecessary tension, time required for submitting application and payment remittance, time required for verification process and other causes delaying the timely treatment.

Advance protection scheme details:

  1. The scheme is given for a period of atleast 1 year.
  2. The scheme covers protection from all kinds of injuries alone.
  3. The applicant can select any no. of years for which they wish to avail advance protection from injuries, upto a maximum of 8 years and subject to upto 100 years of the age of the applicant.
  4. The scheme will ensure that the person is under the protection cover throughout the subscription period, protecting them to recover fast from injuries due to any accident without medication or hospitalization.
  5. In case any minor/major injury happens during the subscription period,
    • Wounds of the soldier will be instantly healed with the yogic power.
    • Minor injuries will be cured instantly ensuring that he/she is back to the field
    • Bleeding will be arrested instantly
    • Major injuries involving damage of vital organs will get cured gradually, within 29 days subject to complete bed rest of the injured person. Hospitalization may not be required during this period. The wound will get healed completely within 29 days. This can be re-confirmed by scanning if you wish. Body movements must be restricted to the maximum possible extent during the bed rest time. It is therefore advisable that the person is admitted in a nursing home to ensure complete bed rest. The patient can be given nutritionally rich food as prescribed by a qualified dietician. Exercise or workout during the bed rest time must be completely avoided including physiotherapy. Complete recovery will be done on the completion of 29 days. The soldier can be pull up his/her socks and get ready to perform his/her duties after the completion of 29 days of bed rest.
    • Hospitalization and other medication not required
  6. Treatment cannot be done on body parts detached from the main body. However, curing may be possible if the cut off organ is stitched and properly attached to the body system in time.
  7. Treatment cannot be done on transplanted organs.
  8. This scheme is not applicable to cases of instant death.
  9. People already having injuries in the body before taking the “Advance protection from injuries for soldiers” scheme will not be covered in this Advance protection scheme.
  10. The scheme can be subscribed either individually or collectively.
  11. Treatment is restricted to soldiers/citizens belonging to recognized nations by United Nations.
  12. Application for individual or collective advance protection scheme should be compulsorily routed through the battalion in-charge. This is to ensure that there is no misuse of Gurukripa Yogic Wellness Treatment and the treatment is given to the right personnel.
  13. In case of group application:
    • No. of years for which you wish to avail the protection will be the same for all the applicants in that group. Any no. of people can be accommodated in group application.
    • Only one contact email id is permitted.
    • Recommendation and attestation to be done by one authorized individual responsible for the entire group.
    • The entire group’s details as per the required specifications to be clubbed and submitted in a single application form.
    • Collective acknowledgement after the treatment for all the applicants in the group will be sent only to one email id specified.
  14. Anyone associated with defense department including policemen of the nations recognized by UN are also eligible to apply for this scheme
  15. Cost of the treatment “Advance protection from injuries for soldiers” is INR 14 lakhs i.e., INR 14,00,000/- per year per individual.
  16. Application processing fee is INR 100/-
  17. This cost is inclusive of all charges irrespective of age, gender and nationality of the individuals.
  18. Treatment will be executed anytime within 50 hours of submission of the application form and payment remittance, subject to successful verification of the application.

Click here for the application form for availing advance protection from injuries for soldiers

Soldiers can also avail:

1) Yogic treatment for curing diseases

Click here for the application form for availing Yogic treatment for curing diseases

2) Protection from diseases

Click here for the application form for availing Protection from diseases